blood covered

美 [blʌd ˈkʌvərd]英 [blʌd ˈkʌvəd]
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blood coveredblood covered
  1. Those eyes stained red with hatred , blood covered up his hands like red dye .


  2. They say that the sacrificial blood covered the sun pyramids from top to bottom .


  3. Another bomb could go off . Bodies were still smoldering , legs were blown off , and massive amounts of blood covered the sidewalk .


  4. A police officer looked me in the eyes and said , " You shouldn 't be here . Another bomb could go off . " Bodies were still smoldering , legs were blown off , and massive amounts of blood covered the sidewalk .


  5. The results showed : 90 . 49 % cases of ischemic apoplexy were diagnosed as Zhong Jing Luo ( involving the body 's channels and collaterals ), among whom , the type of deficiency of qi and stagnation of blood covered 29 . 28 % ;


  6. Other people I know later told me they saw some blood being covered with sand .


  7. O earth , let not my blood be covered , and let my cry have no resting-place !


  8. The blood puddle covered the initial spatter .


  9. I had already come to the conclusion , since there were no signs of a struggle , that the blood which covered the floor had burst from the murderer 's nose in his excitement .


  10. Huge impact force and inertia will be lying on the bunk of the Liu Xudong throwing up , when he first thing that strikes the left eyebrow throes a while , then blood will be covered in one eye sight .


  11. Among 506 cases of patients , 62 cases were diagnosed blood deficiency syndrome which covered 12.25 percent .


  12. Something tells me blood stains are not covered under my lease .


  13. It foreshadowed Christ 's death on the cross where His blood was shed and covered us , cleansing us from our sin .
